Starcat’s Favorites: A Dream Fulfilled!

I’m extremely delighted to report that one of my most cherished and long-held dreams has come true! I am, in fact, a published author. I created a book, Starcat’s Corner: Essays on Pagan Living. I can now hold it in my hands, thumb through it, admire it on the bookshelf…wow. Just wow. I’m filled with gratitude and wonder.

On Thursday night while I was out, BlackLion texted me to say I had received a package. I assumed it was some books I’d ordered with my Amazon gift card. When I got home and opened the box, it was the author copies of my own book!!! I have wanted to be a published writer since I was a very young child. Now that I have accomplished this goal, what do I want to do next? (Besides, of course, celebrate and share the book far and wide). Do it again!!! And yes, I’ve already started working on another book.

Okay, so of course the first link I’ll share today is THE BOOK. It’s not officially released until January 25th, but I’m told you can pre-order it on Amazon, and there is a page for the book at my publisher’s website. It is available on Amazon in both the U.S. and the U.K., and there is an e-book version as well as the paperback copy.

What else is inspiring me these days?

The idea of art journals has been calling my name. I’m thinking a combination of journal-writing, collage, doodling, vision board making, and scrapbooking will float my boat this winter. Here are some images to tempt you.

Some encouragement to those of us who are bloggers…

Pondering creativity – is it fire, or water, or something else? I enjoyed reading a friend’s take on this.

This article is a delightfully refreshing read, especially at this time of year.

As a society, we’re doing better than we give ourselves credit for sometimes.

How can we help make things even better as we move into a new year? Check out this guide.

Of course, that means taking action, something we often resist. Try this advice.

Of course, as the holiday gatherings and celebrations start to wind down, I’ll be diving in to my year-end reflection and planning. More on that soon. I’ve also been continuing to declutter my home, which certainly helps with the inner decluttering, too. Many blessings to you for a peaceful and joyful 2013!

One Response

  1. Dani
    Dani December 31, 2012 at 11:10 am | | Reply

    So glad you enjoyed Chris’ article! She’s awesome. 🙂

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