Starcat’s Favorites: In a Funk

After feeling really energized and hopeful for a while, I’ve landed in a funk this week. Nothing specific is bugging me, but I seem to have less energy and be more irritable over the past several days. Luckily, I’m pretty good at getting unstuck. I’ve taken a lot of things off my “to do list,” saving some of my creative projects until after the holidays. I have some nurturing activities planned for this week: I’m bartering for a Tarot reading, and a friend who is a healing arts student is giving me a polarity session. And I’m taking extra time to rest and just BE.

While I’ve been taking it a bit easier, I found some fun reading for you. I hope you enjoy these!

I was featured on Kind Over Matter again this week! I just love that website, and I’m so thankful to Amanda for publishing my guest posts. I wrote about a tough topic, and it seems to have touched some folks. I’m glad I could share these feelings.

Loved this post about unschooling and how one family discovered its benefits.

Mmmm, yoga….I had a taste of it this morning and really want to get back into the habit.

This is so poetic, and such a great reminder.

Here are a couple of cool and thought-provoking articles about the transformation of consciousness we’re in the midst of now. This one calls it a revolution, and this is a great distillation of what most spiritual traditions teach us, and why it works.

And of course, I can’t forget to complete the chakra series! Here’s the crown chakra.

Hey, I haven’t had much feedback yet about the Starcat’s Favorites posts. Do you like them? Do you read the links? Or does it seem too much, and become overwhelming? Are they boring? Do you look forward to them? Please leave a comment and let me know what you think. Thanks!



3 Responses

  1. chrys
    chrys December 3, 2012 at 12:59 am | | Reply

    I LOVE the links, Nikki!

  2. Jon Ray
    Jon Ray December 3, 2012 at 8:51 pm | | Reply

    Thanks for highlighting They Laughed at Jules Verne. Enjoyed finding some of the other blogs you linked to and your words here. For me, taking a long walk without my phone or any distractions is always a great way to get unstuck. Long walks and long drives allow the mind to stay occupied just enough to behave itself, so we can tap into something higher. Talk soon!

  3. Starcat
    Starcat December 4, 2012 at 2:44 pm | | Reply

    Thanks, Chrys, good to hear. Jon, nice to “meet” you. I loved your article! Great blog overall, too.

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