Blessings of the season to you! The first of November brings me to a time of year when I dive deeper into my soul work and focus on a conscious re-alignment to my inner self. I release habits I no longer wish to have and choose new practices to encourage. It is a time to slow down, nestle in at home, and open to the messages that come through my connection to the divine.
I’m so ready for it. This has been a rather busy autumn, after an intense summer. Last night was our big Dark Follies gig, where we collaborated with Pete Witham & the Cozmik Zombies. It was an incredible experience, and I’m so glad to be a part of it. We do have a couple more drumming gigs this weekend. But tonight, rest is good.
The kids were at an unschoolers’ Halloween party last night, which involved some trick-or-treating, but mostly hanging out with friends, and a sleepover. Quester came and checked out the Dark Follies gig; Ocean was going to come too, but ended up helping a friend in need and not making it to the show. Our Samhain ritual, which we had planned to do on the Full Moon on Monday, was postponed due to the hurricane. The way we’re marking the sabbat is slower and more gradual this year, which suits me just fine.
Merlin cat is snuggled on my lap as I type this. His ear is much better. After staying out late last night, BlackLion, ElvenTiger, Dryst and I spent the day at our homeschool co-op. And then I came home and took a much-needed nap. We had a late dinner, and I’ve been catching up on e-mails and online reading.
This year I’m giving up sugar until Winter Solstice, as I normally do. But I’m also putting my focus on whole foods, and eating more simply. Today went well in that regard. I shared a fruit smoothie with BlackLion for breakfast. For lunch we had some leftover veggie soup I’d made on Monday. Quester went to the farm stand today, and dinner was veggie burgers, oven fries, and roasted carrots. Simple yet delicious.
Tomorrow I can rest a bit more, catch up on some housework, and focus on some creative projects that are in the works. I’m so thankful for November and for the quieter blessings it brings.