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Starcat’s Favorites: In the Moment

I’ve been enjoying this week of celebrations and thankfulness and play. It’s been nice to be in the moment and really savor what is happening. The bright chatter, bursts of laughter, and yummy smells of preparing the Thanksgiving feast. The relaxation and quiet of reading with ElvenTiger, lying on my bed together and immersing ourselves […]

Sharing My Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving! Since it is a universal day for being grateful, I thought I’d share some of the things I’m thankful for this month; they are from the #gratitudes posts I’ve been doing each day on Twitter. Come join me there and share yours! Blessings to you and your loved ones! I am thankful for […]

Starcat’s Favorites: Gratitudes

It’s almost Thanksgiving, traditionally a time for expressing gratitude – though I was rather amused by a quote a friend shared on Facebook that said “Black Friday: Because only in America, people trample others for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have.” Sounds about right, heh heh. I’ve never been […]

Notes From the Jungle

My Rob Brezsny horoscope for this week reads: VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I don’t think you’re fully aware of the game you’ve been immersed in. You may even be in denial that you’re playing it. If I’m right about this, please make it a priority to acknowledge what’s going on and identify the exact nature […]

Starcat’s Favorites: Rest & Recovery

It seems to be taking longer than I thought it would to recover from being sick. That could just be my impatience, or the fact that I’m also detoxing while recovering. No matter – I’m doing my best to rest, take it easy, get plenty of liquids, and eat healthy foods. I still haven’t had […]

Notes From the Homestead

This week has been a transition week, from an incredibly full and busy early autumn to a more quiet and introspective late autumn. Even though it involved me being rather ill, I’m thankful for this time at home to rest and dream. The only time I’ve been out and about this week (other than venturing […]

Starcat’s Favorites: Oh the Irony

My previous post was all about health and wanting to improve mine, and how I’m rarely ill. Well, the Universe was determined to be a trickster about those statements! That very evening, I got sick with a virus of some sort. It started with a sore throat and soon moved to tiredness, a runny nose, […]

Seeking My Own Food Balance

Part of my plan for this season is to increase my physical wellness and fitness, and part of that process is figuring out what healthy eating means for me right now. Don’t get me wrong, I’m actually in very good health. I rarely get sick, and don’t have chronic pain or anything like that. Yet […]

So It Begins

Blessings of the season to you! The first of November brings me to a time of year when I dive deeper into my soul work and focus on a conscious re-alignment to my inner self. I release habits I no longer wish to have and choose new practices to encourage.  It is a time to […]