Starcat’s Favorites: Following the Call

Hey folks! I hope your week has been fun, or at least interesting (which reminds me of the old curse, or perhaps blessing, “may you live in interesting times,” heh).  After a lull in my dream-time activity, this week has been chock-full of meaningful dreams. First I was pregnant (yeah, I’m 43 and my kids are teens, not likely or desirable), then I was in a hospital bed after surgery – and quite alone, and then I was driving an uncertain dead-end road with my newborn daughter.

The common thread of these dreams had to do with following my creative calling, even when it changes, or when the path to it changes. So I thought I’d share some inspiring reading that’s (mostly) about following, or maybe even finding, your calling(s). Enjoy!

Each of us is the hero/hera of our own choose-your-own-adventure story. How can you tell?

Some rules, er, guidelines about following your calling.

So how do you know what your calling is, anyway?

And what if you’re sensitive? Does that make it more challenging? (Not necessarily!)

Autumn is, of course, the perfect time to look within.

This intrigues me. A lot. Especially after those dreams about dead-end roads and being abandoned in a hospital bed. Hmm.

Blessings on your path, wherever it takes you!

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