Ever since this summer, when his Dad was ill and dying, Quester has been quoting these song lyrics, by the band Moe: “it’s high and low all at once, not one or the other.” In the same trip up to visit his father in the nursing home, by day Quester would be working in some of the most beautiful places in Maine, right on the ocean near Acadia National Park. Well, the theme has continued for us into the autumn.
My Mom had planned surgery, which went very well, and has already alleviated the chronic pain she’d been living with. She did have a severe allergic reaction to the interaction of some medications, but that’s better now.
A dear friend my age has a recurrence of her breast cancer, which is now stage 4. She’s choosing to live the rest of her life with joy and grace, forgoing conventional treatments that may or may not help, and doing some of the items on her bucket list. Her story is inspiring, and it looks like she will be soon living her biggest dream: swimming with the dolphins (this is her web page if you’re inspired to help financially, read her story, or post your good wishes). Yet we’re losing her loving and kind presence in this world, and it’s heartbreaking.
Life is a jumble of highs and lows. Even in the midst of the most tragic situation, there is often humor, beauty, and grace. I find myself busy and overwhelmed this autumn, yes, but also so grateful for living, for the joy and love that is all around me. And even for dirty dishes and lack of sleep and missed deadlines and botched connections. I remind myself often: “Life is a gift. Just keep dancing.”
Love you!!!!