Starcat’s Favorites: Big Blue Moon

Wow, what a week. It was super crazy busy, and capped off by an awesome Full Blue Moon circle on Thursday night. Amazing.

There are still some not-so-great things happening in my world right now, but I like to focus on what is going well. I’m getting rather good at it, actually. I mean, I’m dealing with the issues that need my attention, and letting the rest of it go.

So, the good news? I got my book cover proofs, and it looks great! The publication date is set for January 2013. Also, this week my first guest post on the fabulous blog Kind Over Matter was published! Come check it out, and leave a comment if it moves you. I’ll have another post on that site in a couple weeks – a bit of a controversial one, hmm….

Here are some tasty treats for you to read this weekend.

This article made me sit up straight and say “oh yeah!”

There’s a difference between being fearless and being willing to be vulnerable.

Why be normal? Being uniquely you is so much more fun!

The same goes for being messy. Definitely more rewarding.

I’m jumping in on a dance challenge that a friend mentioned on her blog. I think it’ll be fun, and great exercise, too!

Don’t know about you, but I could use more prosperity – yup, money, cash, dinero – about now. Here are a few tips.

Collaboration, rather than competition, is becoming part of our culture. Glad to see this post in such a mainstream publication!

I’m off on a road trip to do some hiking and visiting with family and friends this weekend. Have a beautiful time, whatever you’re up to!

4 Responses

  1. Dani
    Dani September 4, 2012 at 10:42 am | | Reply

    Thanks for the include in this lovely linky list!!

  2. Starcat
    Starcat September 5, 2012 at 2:42 pm | | Reply

    You’re welcome! Thanks for sharing your wisdom!

  3. Alia
    Alia September 6, 2012 at 8:37 pm | | Reply

    Thank you for mentioning the 90 Days! I am so excited. Tonight I write the first Love Notes. Tomorrow the portal closes :). Squeeee!

  4. Starcat
    Starcat September 7, 2012 at 1:42 pm | | Reply

    Thanks to *you* Alia, for creating it! I’ll be starting my dancing in just a few minutes. Yay!

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