Starcat’s Favorites: Celebrations of Birth

This week we’ve been celebrating birthdays! We have a lot of August babies in the family and the community. One of our good friends turned 12, and the Maine Wholeschoolers celebrated with a party at his family’s camp on a lake. Then we had a big birthday bash here at the homestead. My Mom turned 70, Aunt Peg had a birthday as well, and Dryst turned sweet 16!

This is the cake that ElvenTiger and I made for them. She designed it – cool, huh?

Sunflower Birthday Cake

I’m also celebrating the birth of this brand new website, Starcat’s Corner. BlackLion created it for me, and I’m so thankful! The Starcat’s Study blog (including all the posts since it started back in 2006) is now a part of this site, along with a bunch of other cool stuff. Welcome! I hope you’ll come back and visit often.

Here are some inspiring links from the week. Enjoy!

I often fall into the trap of trying to win others’ approval, even though I know better. How about you?

Here are some suggestions for how to live intentionally.

You may have noticed that Kind Over Matter is one of my favorite websites. This post on coming home to yourself is just one example of why. And I’m so excited, because I get to be one of the KOM writers! Don’t worry, I’ll be sharing that link soon.

Why is loving our own bodies so hard sometimes? Here’s a great story about one woman’s journey.

I just love this idea! The video is called “Get A Little Awestruck: The Biological Advantage of Being Enchanted.”

And last but not least, here’s a fun article about homeschooling, and all the questions people ask when they discover your family homeschools. Read and learn, or laugh.

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