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Starcat’s Favorites: Big Blue Moon

Wow, what a week. It was super crazy busy, and capped off by an awesome Full Blue Moon circle on Thursday night. Amazing. There are still some not-so-great things happening in my world right now, but I like to focus on what is going well. I’m getting rather good at it, actually. I mean, I’m […]

Learning to Receive…and to Pay Attention

Impressed with her guest blog post on one of my favorite websites, I clicked over to author Jo Anna Rothman’s website. What I discovered there, The Receiving Project, immediately tugged hard at my current desire for nurturing. My mind said, “Come on, really? You’re so busy – can you commit to a 32-day focus on […]

Our Feline Photo Shoot

When we were creating the images for the new website last week, we discovered that the banner I’d been using for my blog was too large to fit in the banner spot on the new site. I wanted to use a new picture, anyway, though I still wanted to feature our lovely black cat, Merlin. […]

Starcat’s Favorites: Celebrations of Birth

This week we’ve been celebrating birthdays! We have a lot of August babies in the family and the community. One of our good friends turned 12, and the Maine Wholeschoolers celebrated with a party at his family’s camp on a lake. Then we had a big birthday bash here at the homestead. My Mom turned […]

Starcat’s Favorites: August Craziness

August is often a very busy month for our family, and this year is no exception. We’re busy with Dryst’s soccer pre-season, birthday party preparations, working, getting ready for our autumn activities (yes, the planning process has begun), making fresh salsa, creating music, being present for some folks who need our help, grieving and healing, […]

You Are Part of It All

Are you feeling lonely? Fearful? Disconnected? Yearning for something but you know not what? Step back for a moment, retreating from your feelings, just for the time being. Take a longer view, seeing the bigger landscape laid out in front of you. You are made of the same stuff as the stars. You are a […]

Starcat’s Favorites: Life and Death

My husband Quester’s Dad passed away this weekend. He’d been ill for much of the spring and summer, and so we got to visit him several times (he lived 3 hours away from us). Quester and his siblings had a chance to say their goodbyes, but of course it is still a hard thing. I’d […]

Home Again, Home Again

I’ve been away much of this week, spending some time with Quester’s family, and it’s been pretty intense. More about that later, when things are more fully resolved. For now, I’ll just say that there have been many moments of sadness and tears, as well as those of joy. Alongside these family matters, I’ve been […]

A Festival of Inspiration

Blessings of August, and big Happy Birthday smooches to my lovely Leo friends, including of course my dear BlackLion, whose birthday is today! This past weekend he and I attended an amazing music festival. We went with the Dark Follies troupe, and had a fantastic experience there. The vibe was joyful and inspiring. After a […]