Starcat’s Favorites: Preparing and Awaiting
This week I was awaiting the return of Quester and ElvenTiger. I was preparing for our annual Big Backyard Bash. I was meditating on my self-worth, friendship, nurturing, and lots of other ponderings. I was drumming and cleaning and polishing and reading and writing and lots of other ings. And lo and behold, it’s the […]
A Blast From the Past
In the process of writing the preface for my book (yeah, it’s Starcat’s Corner: Essays on Pagan Living, hope you’re not sick of hearing about it yet! hee hee), I was looking back over my journal from 2005, getting back in the mindset of my adventure at Vermont Witch Camp, which was when the book […]
Toward a Broader Awareness
“Political awareness can become a tyranny of its own, not least because it locks us into the issues and perspectives of a particular time. But when we are looking at questions of the sacred, we move beyond time. To create the changes in consciousness needed to transform society at a deep level, we need insights […]
Summer Camp Ponderings
My beloved 13-year-old, the beautiful ElvenTiger, is going to summer camp in a couple of days. It’s her first significant time away from family; she’ll be gone for a week. She’s going with her best friend, who she’s known since she was three, and whose idea it was that they go together this time (her […]
Exploring Alternate Lives
One of the exercises in the first week of The Artist’s Way is to answer this question: “If you had five other lives to lead, what would you do in each of them?” The answers probably could be very elaborate, but the author lists some examples, most of which are professions (firefighter, rock star, surgeon, […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Digging In
Well, hello there! I guess I haven’t written anything here since last week’s favorites. I’ve been digging in deep this week, working on a few projects that kept me busy. This Wednesday was the kids’ end-of-year portfolio review, so I got to look over all the things they did this past year, and see how […]