Starcat’s Favorites: Rising to the Challenge

So you’d think I’d be riding high on the waves of having submitted my book manuscript, feeling uplifted and happy – and part of me is. And yet the end of this week, after the Venus transit, proved to be pretty challenging. My thoughts and feelings have been all jumbled, and I feel out of place (and even invisible) in my daily life. I’m finding the energies emerging from the recent astrological events to be kind of a bumpy ride. I’m working on smoothing it out.

Meanwhile, here are some of my favorites from the week, things that helped me get through. If you’re having a bit of an internal crisis, too, perhaps some of them will inspire you.

You can deal with conflict compassionately, even when you’re feeling awful. Slow down and try these tips.

Getting overwhelmed? Walk away from the to-do list. Even if only for a while.

The Law of Attraction works. But it might not always feel that way – it takes practice.

If you’re not in the mood for tips or tools, how about some poetry that speaks to the heart full of longing?

I’m very excited for another blogger and author whose new book is now out! Check out her amazing story (just follow the links in her post).

I guess that’s it for now. Let me know how you liked the links, and whether you have some of your own to share, in the comments. Have a lovely day!

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