Cleanse Complete!

Oops. I guess I’ve wandered away from the regular updates about the raw food cleanse! Well, it was a busy but fun week, and it’s been going well. Now we’re on day ten of ten, so I guess it’s pretty much complete.

On Monday, I got a bit bored with the food I was eating, but just shrugged and went along with it. My Mom was so sweet. I had asked if we could have a big salad when we came over for dinner, and not only did she do that (along with making soup, rolls, and pudding for the rest of the crew), but she also made me a lovely and delightful fruit plate for dessert. Asian pear, Grannysmith apple, Empire apple, and red grapes. She’s awesome. But I knew that already.

Tuesday and Wednesday were fine, and I made up a new recipe. I was making our usual spaghetti sauce for the family and some friends, so I also made a raw version for BlackLion and I. It had tomatoes, onion, garlic, olives, mushrooms, a touch of olive oil, and spices. I put it in the food processor, then chilled it for a while so the flavors could merge. Because of the black olives, it looked like some kind of raspberry sauce! We ate it over spiralized zucchini, and it was delicious. We had the leftovers on Wednesday.

Today was co-op, and I was busy running around. We had a smoothie in the morning, and for lunch we brought dehydrated kale chips with a tahini-based dip, and some dried fruit. For dinner I had an avocado and some leftover raw strawberry pie that BlackLion made.  I’m eating a lot less than I used to, both in terms of calories and actual portion sizes.

I’ve lost five pounds over the ten days. I’m not ready to commit to going all raw food, mostly because it’s a lot of work, especially when the family isn’t eating the same way. But I’m definitely going to keep a lot of raw food in my diet, and will continue to eat less in general and focus on healthy eating. I’ve been reading “Three Steps to Incredible Health” by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, and learning a lot about nutrition. I’d say this has been a successful cleanse. Thanks for reading along!

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