A Blessful Weekend

Well, I was going to write either “blessed” or “blissful” in the title, and ended up combining the two. I think it works well as a description. I’ve been having lots of fun!

Saturday BlackLion and I celebrated our anniversary, and also Cinco de Mayo! We started our day with a yummy green smoothie. We did a bit of shopping for fruits and veggies, then headed down to Exeter, NH to the Grand Opening of the Good Karma Cafe! It’s a new vegan and raw cafe that is just delightful. BlackLion and I are going to blog about it tomorrow over at the Feline Dreamers website, if you’d like to know more. Suffice it to say that we had a very tasty raw Mexican-themed lunch (with a decadent raw dessert), and then walked all around the adorable town of Exeter.

We came home and hung out with the kids after that, and had some light raw snacks for dinner. We watched the movie “Green Lantern,” which was fun. We’ve been enjoying the superhero movies lately, and are looking forward to going to see “The Avengers” soon.

Today was the annual Beltane on the Beach celebration at Popham Beach State Park. The whole family went. We had a fabulous time enjoying the wonderful people, the gorgeous sunshiney day, and some groovy drumming. There was also a bardic circle, and we got to see a lot of folks we haven’t seen in quite a while. I was happy to see that, alongside the pasta salads and desserts, a lot of folks had brought fresh fruits and veggies to the potluck. We brought a green salad to share. After a whole day at the beach, BlackLion and I had rehearsal with the Dark Follies troupe. Also fun, but after such a busy weekend I’m feeling like I need some down time!

Having just about completed day 6 of the raw food cleanse, I’m feeling great. Took nice walks both yesterday and today, and had plenty of energy. I haven’t kept track of my water consumption, but I feel like I’ve had plenty of liquids in general. I’m off to bed to rest and read. Sweet dreams to you!

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