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The Day That Wasn’t

Happy Leap Day! I saw a funny photo on Facebook this morning, of a door to a business where the owners had posted a notice that since February 29th “isn’t a real day,” they would be closed for the day and re-open on March 1st. I thought it was a pretty cool idea! However, since […]

The Limelight

This Thursday, I’m coming out. Nope, I’m not gay. But I do have two love partners. Most of those who know me either know this already or have probably figured it out. If you don’t know me, you may be saying “so what?” or “huh?” or “what does that mean, exactly?” I haven’t written about […]

Traveling Beyond Words

Sometimes there are things that I’m thinking or feeling or dreaming that just can’t be communicated with words. Does that ever happen for you? Like those dreams that stir me awake, but I can’t write them in my dream journal because there’s really no plot or setting or characters, just a sort of indescribable awareness. […]

Love to You

Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether you really get into the holiday, baking and making little cards for loved ones and friends, or you are feeling sad about the expectations of romantic love that it brings, or you have a cynical view of the commercialization that goes on – no matter what your beliefs or notions or […]

Goals for 2012

Well, here we are several weeks into the new year, so I thought that sharing my goals with you might be good. Or actually, a bit overdue! I’ve had them written in draft form in my notebook for a while, and have been working and playing with some of them. And my 2012 Word of […]