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Starcat’s Favorites: A Dream Fulfilled!

I’m extremely delighted to report that one of my most cherished and long-held dreams has come true! I am, in fact, a published author. I created a book, Starcat’s Corner: Essays on Pagan Living. I can now hold it in my hands, thumb through it, admire it on the bookshelf…wow. Just wow. I’m filled with […]

Peace Through Music

When Quester and I were in college, for a semester or two I worked for some wonderful women in a new department, Peace Studies. Quester was always involved in the local music scene, so we tried to put on a spring fundraiser called “Peace Through Music.” It failed, I think from lack of enough publicity, […]

A Self-Love Update (and Affirmations)

Yesterday I received a new comment on one of my old blog posts. I went back and re-read the post, which was from March of 2011 (note: if you want to see the new comment, you’ll need to look on the old blog). The article was about my new focus on self-love and acceptance. This […]

Starcat’s Favorites: Life is My Favorite

This week was about nature, holiday preparations, family, de-cluttering, and learning about marketing. I confess to not keeping up with my usual blog-reading. I’m usually fairly tidy, or perhaps one might say compulsive, about keeping my virtual inbox clear. But at the moment I have over 100 messages I haven’t opened yet. Eep! I’ve been […]

A Day of Reflection

Yesterday I took a day all to myself. I don’t do that very often, and it feels like such a delicious luxury. When you work (mostly) for yourself, you get to determine your schedule. Yet I often feel like I’m even busier than when I worked outside the home full-time! It’s just that I wear […]


Greetings on this auspicious day! Yes, it’s still the dark of the moon, but the new moon will be born within the next 24 hours, and I’ve been informed by a fellow blogger that today is a perfect day for making wishes. So, here are mine. I wish for health and peace for myself, my […]

Starcat’s Favorites: Deeper into the Dark

It’s the darkest time of year. Here in northern New England, the days are short and often damp and cold. I am finding myself now in sacred preparation for the Winter Solstice, the return of the light. I’m being drawn deeper and deeper within, to a quiet space. I hear my own heartbeat. I rest […]

Energy Realignment

Ever notice yourself getting stuck in a rut? Perhaps you’re doing the same things day after day, or eating the same foods, or getting bored with the projects you’re working on. It can be the same way with your body’s energy system. The flow of chi, or life energy, can get blocked, or stuck in […]

Starcat’s Favorites: In a Funk

After feeling really energized and hopeful for a while, I’ve landed in a funk this week. Nothing specific is bugging me, but I seem to have less energy and be more irritable over the past several days. Luckily, I’m pretty good at getting unstuck. I’ve taken a lot of things off my “to do list,” […]

A New Family Member!

We got a new puppy! Well, she’s really Quester’s pup – he’s been wanting one for a long time. Yet the rest of the family is already enchanted by her too. Well, except the other four-leggers: Star isn’t sure yet what to think, Merlin is indifferent, and Percy, thus far, is pretty frightened. Not that […]