Monday’s Doings
It’s been a pretty mellow day here today. It’s been nice hot sunny summer weather, and the fans are going. Laundry, kitchen cleaning, and grocery shopping, along with doing some work on our business, Feline Dreamers. Lots of hangout time and conversation. BlackLion, ElvenTiger, and I took a lovely bike ride just a while ago, […]
Getting Fit
I’ve written about wanting to lose weight before, and my intuitive knowledge that, for me, it’s more about the mindset than the practical aspects. I’ve been continuing my study and practice of mindfulness and presence recently, and that’s helped me feel ready to move forward in getting more fit. Part of my struggle, as I’ve […]
Course of Study
I’m doing an impromptu course of study, mostly of Buddhism but also other systems of examining the mind and emotions. I’ve mentioned here how I enjoy reading epic fantasy and other types of fiction. But I usually also have some kind of non-fiction, usually spiritual, book going as well. The last three that I’ve read […]
Those Who Are Left Behind
Death comes in many ways.Sudden as a hawkSwooping down.Long and painful,A drawn-out parting.Or soft and gentleAs the tide ebbing out. Those who are left behindTo puzzle things outAre never ready.Not ready to say goodbye,Even if we keep faithThat we’ll be reunited.Yes, even then. We wish one more day,An hour, a moment,With our beloved one.We want […]
Getting the Word Out
I’m a writer. I write mostly non-fiction articles, essays, and books on spirituality and learning to live consciously. And that’s how I want to earn a living, or at least contribute to my family’s financial needs. It sounds simple, huh? I even have confidence in my art. I’ve been practicing for a long time, I […]