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Aha! We’ve Figured You Out, Percy.

Several times each evening, Percy comes in, gets petted or perhaps has a few bites of food, and goes back out. We call him the “in and out cat.” Eventually he’ll (usually) come in for the night, and find a place to sleep on someone’s bed or in various other warm and cozy places. This […]

Saturday at the Homestead

After a whole lot of rain in a fairly short amount of time, the moon came out last night. I saw its pretty light from my bed, and then woke this morning to a sunny and windy October day. Got some sheets out on the line to dry; that is, if they don’t blow away! […]

Cuddly Cats for a Rainy Friday Evening…

What do I do when I can’t think of anything I want to write about? I post some cat pictures! That will keep everyone occupied for a few minutes, going “aww!” Then no one will recall that this post didn’t contain much actual written content. That’s my nefarious plan…mwahahahaha! Enjoy these beauteous felines! Sir Percival […]

It Sounds So Simple

Okay, I’m going to share a profound bit of wisdom that I’ve discovered this fall. Are you ready? Here we go: when you stop trying so hard, release a bit of control and clinging, and let go, then things flow more smoothly your way. Sounds so simple, huh? And yet I don’t think I’m alone […]

Must-Have Music

Today is (was) Quester’s birthday. When I’d asked him for suggestions for what he wanted for gifts, he gave me a list of CDs, being quite the music aficionado. The one I grabbed turned out to be the most excellent new music I’ve heard for a long time. The band (as well as the album) […]

Brown Thumb Guilt

Confession time: I don’t really like gardening. I love the idea of gardening. I enjoy being outside. I don’t mind bugs and worms that much. I compost. I love how the plants look and smell. I adore vegetables – I’m very happy being a vegetarian, and I love trying new veggies. I love to cook […]

Yes, I’m Still an Introvert

I started off life as a very shy introvert. Over the years, I’ve overcome much of my shyness. I love parties and events with lots of people, I speak comfortably in front of a group, and I enjoy performing. But I’m definitely still an introvert. No, shyness and introversion are not one and the same. […]

Sunny Autumn Sunday

I spent most of the day sitting at a soccer tournament, watching ElvenTiger’s team play (or waiting for them to start playing). Unlike the usual things we find ourselves doing during the October tournament, like snuggling in sweatshirts and blankets, and consuming large quantities of hot chocolate, today we were all in shorts and t-shirts. […]

Even Though It Makes Me Squirm

I tend to be rather self-critical. I also often focus on what I *don’t* yet know, because I always want to learn new things, progress, move forward, and all that. Focusing on my personal growth is my idea of fun. So today was interesting because I got to observe myself the way others might see […]

Order of the Red Shopping Cart

It’s Friday, and the (fun but) busy week I’ve been having is catching up with me. I’m not stressed out, but definitely have a very full mind and life. Lists are my friend. I haven’t done my “morning pages” journal writing for a couple of days (well, there’s still time to do today’s, but most […]