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A Bounty of Gratitude

I thought of several things I wanted to post about this week, but never quite got around to sitting down in front of the keyboard. So I thought, instead, that I’d share them in the form of a gratitude list. These are the things I’m thankful for as this week ends. I’m thankful for a […]

Our First Feline Dreamers Video!

We made a video this morning to promote our upcoming release of the 30-Day Core Belief Kit (also known as CBK). I’m so excited! We’ll have more details up on the website very soon. The release is next Monday, November 14th. Last night we watched some Christine Kane videos to get inspired. I dreamed of […]

Family at Rest

We’ve been enjoying a quiet weekend at home, and I’m thankful. After our busy October, we’ve needed to be here and reclaim the house, de-clutter, and do some extra cleaning. We’ve also made enchiladas, and more sourdough bread, and I’m about to put on some spaghetti sauce for tonight’s dinner. There’s laundry in process. We’ve […]

Diving In

Wow. I guess I’m diving in deep to the dark of the year. I set my intention to turn inward, and boy did I! I’m not complaining, but things that are part of my normal routine have been seeming very intense this week. I hung out with my friends at homeschool group last night, and […]

Something Cool I Found Today

A few years ago I went to the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, and since then (well, before then, too, I guess) I’ve been on their mailing list. Today in my e-mail inbox was their November e-newsletter. I don’t always read it, but the title caught my attention: “Beginning Your Not So Big Life.” […]

NaBloPoMo Success!

Huzzah! I did it! Even through a very busy and active month, I posted here every day! It wasn’t really a burden. I had fun. I needed to be very conscious about remembering to post, but perhaps now, 31 days later, it’s become a habit. We’ll see how that goes. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading […]

Start Turning Inward

The final Dark Follies show last night went very well, and we ended our run with a group photo session and then going out for a drink together, as a troupe. I’m thankful to be working and playing with such wonderful folks! After that, even though we were having a big snowstorm, we went to […]

Eye of the Storm

I’m sitting here at the laptop with my cup of decaf chai tea (with soymilk and honey, mmmm) and taking a few moments to write today’s blog. I’m really psyched that I’ve almost made it to the end of the month, and have posted every day! Especially given the fact that I’ve been so very […]

Baking Day

Well, it’s baking day today around the homestead. We got snow last night and now it’s sunny, but chilly, so it’ll be nice to have the oven going. I did a big kitchen cleanup this morning. I may have been letting things go just a bit, having been Freaking Busy (a friend gave me this […]

Recovering Perfectionist

Last night, after a fun and successful dress rehearsal for the show I’m in, I dreamed I could fly. It was the most vivid and exhilarating flying dream I can ever remember (and I don’t have a lot of them). It felt great, like I was soaring above it all, having a fantastic time, trusting […]