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Survey Says…

As a Virgo, I love filling out surveys. I know, it’s kind of odd. I even love those just-for-fun survey type things that get passed around on e-mail every so often. It’s just about the only type of e-mail forward I’ll take part in, unless I’m feeling insecure and pass one along to avoid the […]

Journal Writing and Self Expression

I’ve been teaching a journal-writing class at our homeschool co-op. I’ve been a journal keeper for years and years, and have written about it a bit, but never taught a class before. It’s been a lot of fun putting together the classes and exercises. I’m thinking of teaching the class for a potentially larger audience, […]

Healing for Merlin Lovecat

We’ve been having quite an intense time in the family since I last wrote. Merlin (who can be seen in the picture at the top of this blog) apparently got hit by a car this weekend. He was acting weird on Saturday morning, moving slowly and not eating, but not crying or mewing. That night […]

Little Epiphanies

I was having an interesting conversation with Quester this morning. We were talking about how some folks prefer to socialize one-on-one, some like small groups, others enjoy large gatherings, and various combinations of those options. He mentioned a good friend of ours who said she would rather be either with one or two friends, or […]

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

“I don’t care if you are a hardened cynic, entrepreneur, techie nerd, or froo-froo floaty vegan meditating skateboarder, practicing gratitude is one of the best ways to open up to abundance and prosperity. Gratitude is saying yes. And yes opens us up. It makes us more receptive. We say, ‘I already have these gifts.’ Then […]

Let’s Talk About the Food

People like to read about, and talk about, food. At least, that’s true if my Facebook status updates are a good indicator. I put up a post about having seen tons of ads and mentions of Nutella lately, so many that I felt like I ought to try it, and got a ton of comments. […]

Balanced-Rock Equilibrium

Last night, for some reason, I was feeling sort of down and discouraged. I’m not sure where it came from, but I was feeling disappointed about things in general. I convinced myself that I was going right into a downward spiral, and that this morning I wouldn’t even want to get out of bed. It […]

Life is Creeping In

I thought November was supposed to be a time for rest, reflection, and renewal. Now I’m feeling busy again, and wondering what on earth happened! I knew we’d have a lot to do for Feline Dreamers this month, as we had our big CBK launch and all. But it seems that lots of other things […]

The Big Day!

Today I have realized one of my long-held goals: we released the 30-Day Core Belief Kit! And while I slept, we sold our first Kit to a woman in Germany who I know from an e-mail list (thank you R!). So it was fun waking up to such delightful news. Now we’re focused on getting […]

Audio and Video

BlackLion is putting the finishing touches on the guided meditations for the 30-Day Core Belief Kit. They sound so awesome, especially now that he’s added the music! I’m pleased with how professional they sound. Our little home-studio in the basement is working out quite well for us. It’s actually Quester’s band space, but he’s between […]