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Yes, It’s Still Winter

These Maine winters can be, well, long. I mean, it’s only the end of January, and we’ll probably have snow at least through early April. Think about it. I’m already tired of the cold. The appeal has even worn thin for ElvenTiger, who loves snow. Every day lately, it’s been either very bitterly cold, or […]

Loving My Self

“You can never love another person unless you are equally involved in the beautiful but difficult spiritual work of learning to love yourself. There is within each of us, at the soul level, an enriching fountain of love.” – John O’Donohue Since quitting my day job a couple years ago and following my calling, I’ve […]

Winter Photo Essay

I thought it was time to share some images of what we’ve been up to so far this winter. Here goes! We’ve been partying with our friends. The boys won the New Year’s Eve competition, hands-down, with their hilarious skit. We’ve been playing lots and lots of games: board games, video games, card games, dice […]

Darkness and Poetry

Here’s a poem I wrote recently. I went back and forth on whether to post it, since it’s kind of dark. I fully realize the need for balance, and the value of darkness. But there’s already a whole “news and entertainment” industry set up to spread that message. Anyway, I decided to share the poem […]

2011 Vision Board

Cake of the Month: January, part 2

The second Cake of the Month for January, ElvenTiger’s birthday cake, was quite a success! I created my own recipe, after doing a bunch of research online and in cookbooks. My Mom, BlackLion, and ElvenTiger all helped out in various ways (and thanks to Jen-Mom for two of the pictures, below!). The recipe is called […]

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

“The appreciation that Source feels for you, never-endingly, will wrap you in a warm blanket of worthiness if you will allow it.” – Abraham through Esther Hicks

Riding the Waves

A dear friend of mine recently posted this quote on her Facebook status: “It’s okay to not be okay.” – Robin Benwa. On the day I read it, it was something I really needed to hear. Since the Winter Solstice, I’ve been noticing lots of ups and downs in my day-to-day emotions and stress levels. […]

Cake of the Month: January, part 1

My original plan for January’s Cake of the Month was to make ElvenTiger a special cake for her 12th birthday. She requested a layer cake with chocolate and caramel, and I’ve started doing some research. For the most part, I plan to create my own cake recipes, so I can share them on the blog […]

Tarot Tracking 2010

“Life is easy to chronicle, but bewildering to practice.” – E. M. Forster I’m definitely a chronicler of life, as posts like this one prove, but I’ve also delved into practice. In this case, a daily spiritual practice which includes a three-card daily Tarot reading. I note the day’s cards and events, keeping track of […]