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Water Shrine

Cake of the Month: March

Well, then, here it is: the Cake of the Month for March. It’s called Spring Fever Cake with Dark Chocolate Butter Frosting. I designed it like an egg decorated for Spring, though my cake decorating skills are still a bit primitive. I think it gets the idea across, though. We celebrate Spring Equinox, also known […]

Embodying Acceptance

For about a week I’ve been mulling over my previous post, Releasing Self-Judgment, and collecting my thoughts on the feedback and questions my new online friend and blog sister posted as a comment. It’s been really cool how she and I have been finding such rich material in each others’ posts lately. Wild Zen Mama […]

Releasing Self-Judgment

I’ve been focusing on self-love and acceptance over the past couple of months. It’s been going well, overall. I mean, there are still ups and downs as I learn how to love myself. If you’re someone who hasn’t struggled with this, self-love sounds very simple. On the other hand, if unconditional love for yourself is […]


I’m just about finished reading “The Teenage Liberation Handbook” by Grace Llewellyn, and I can’t recommend it enough! (Quester asked me if I wasn’t a bit too old for it, and my answer was an emphatic “no!” and a big smile). It’s such an amazing book. I already had a similar philosophy, that if allowed […]

An Unschool Update

“We tackle our schoolish sort of work in the mornings. It’s quite possible to pack twelve or thirteen years of traditional schooling into about five or six at home by waiting for readiness and desire. Most children will buck a lot of sit-down work at eight, but seem to want it at twelve or thirteen. […]

A State of Grace

For my Elements Study Group last weekend, I created a worksheet on “Fire and Pride.” The idea was to get us thinking about what we’re proud of, and what it is that feeds the fire within. In this context I mean authentic pride, the feeling of accomplishment that comes from within and needs no competition […]

Baseline: Contentment

It’s time for another writing exercise from the blog A Journey of Joy. Here’s this week’s prompt: “We thought it would be fun and interesting to write about contentment. I’m interested to learn what you think of contentment. Does this word have a positive or negative connotation to you?” I have mixed feelings about contentment. […]

Cake of the Month: February

Well, this month turned out to be simply full of cake-making! So much so that I have a confession to make. I’m actually *gasp* a bit tired of cake. Even when it has chocolate. Shocking, I know! Don’t worry, though, I’m still sticking with the project. I figure by March 19th or 20th I’ll be […]