Journal Writing and Self Expression

I’ve been teaching a journal-writing class at our homeschool co-op. I’ve been a journal keeper for years and years, and have written about it a bit, but never taught a class before. It’s been a lot of fun putting together the classes and exercises. I’m thinking of teaching the class for a potentially larger audience, maybe as an adult-ed offering first, to fine-tune it further, and then perhaps as an online course. The topic matter would be an easy one to do online. I could make videos and provide worksheets and readings (and a playlist for the class where we wrote to various types of music, which the girls seemed to enjoy).

It’s a topic I know a lot about, and have experience with, and one that I don’t really need credentials for, other than my years of hands-on practice. What do you think? Would any of you be interested in such a course? Leave a comment or drop me a line.

I’m still gaining experience as a heart-centered entrepreneur, and want to find things that will serve a need as well as help me with making a living. I really want to make this work! I have no shortage of ideas, it’s just a matter of 1. finding topics that fill a need, 2. finding the people who are interested in them, and 3. making time to create them. I can handle #3 with no problem. I’m still working on the others. In the meantime, I’m letting my creative energies flow.

P.S. Thanks for all the good wishes, prayers, and energies for Merlin cat! I truly appreciate it and am very touched by the response. He is doing well today and sleeping a lot. He loves it when we cuddle him and give him Reiki. Sweet cat boy.

One Response

  1. Jane
    Jane December 4, 2011 at 4:09 am | | Reply

    I’ve kept a journal since the 4th grade. It has been a place to keep my innermost thoughts, to work through nagging problems, to record celebratory moments and more. I’ve never taken a journaling class but it sounds interesting.

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