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Family at Rest

We’ve been enjoying a quiet weekend at home, and I’m thankful. After our busy October, we’ve needed to be here and reclaim the house, de-clutter, and do some extra cleaning. We’ve also made enchiladas, and more sourdough bread, and I’m about to put on some spaghetti sauce for tonight’s dinner. There’s laundry in process. We’ve […]

Diving In

Wow. I guess I’m diving in deep to the dark of the year. I set my intention to turn inward, and boy did I! I’m not complaining, but things that are part of my normal routine have been seeming very intense this week. I hung out with my friends at homeschool group last night, and […]

Something Cool I Found Today

A few years ago I went to the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, and since then (well, before then, too, I guess) I’ve been on their mailing list. Today in my e-mail inbox was their November e-newsletter. I don’t always read it, but the title caught my attention: “Beginning Your Not So Big Life.” […]