The Big Day!

Today I have realized one of my long-held goals: we released the 30-Day Core Belief Kit! And while I slept, we sold our first Kit to a woman in Germany who I know from an e-mail list (thank you R!). So it was fun waking up to such delightful news.

Now we’re focused on getting the word out about the Kit, and on moving on with our next set of projects. A lot of my energy has been freed up, just by the powerful act of finishing the Kit and releasing it into the world to share. And I’m inspired to use that energy creatively, focusing on projects like our next e-book and our coaching services. I’ve already started the e-book, which is about developing and sustaining a daily spiritual practice.

I feel excited and thrilled about where things are and the direction I’m headed. I’m thankful to all the folks who will purchase the Kit, and excited to see where it will take them! I want to work with people for mutual benefit. If you’re interested in the Kit, please visit the website and check it out, and share the link with your friends. If you’d like to review the Kit on your website or other media, get in touch with me. And if you’re inspired by the notion of personal spirituality coaching, stay tuned! Have a joyful day!

One Response

  1. Stephanie
    Stephanie November 23, 2011 at 3:25 pm | | Reply

    Congratulations! I’m so happy for you that you did it!

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