Audio and Video

BlackLion is putting the finishing touches on the guided meditations for the 30-Day Core Belief Kit. They sound so awesome, especially now that he’s added the music! I’m pleased with how professional they sound. Our little home-studio in the basement is working out quite well for us. It’s actually Quester’s band space, but he’s between bands right now, so we’re making good use of it for our Feline Dreamers stuff. I wonder if we should put up one of the meditations as a sample…

We’re also getting ready to do our second video. Ocean, who studied videography in college and worked in the field for a while, is going to help us with our video projects, on an ongoing basis. A friend of ours gave us a hand-held camcorder, and we just need to find a way to get it to talk to the laptop (we suspect the cord needs to be replaced). We want to be able to do regular videos, as lots of folks enjoy that medium. I don’t normally watch videos that much, though there are some exceptions, but lots of folks love YouTube and sharing things they find there.

This afternoon, along with making a fresh batch of salsa, our plans include a final listening session of all the guided meditations. I bet I’ll be really relaxed after that! Great for a Saturday afternoon. Purrrrr….

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