Inanna, Sisters in Rhythm
My Mom and I went to a wonderful concert tonight. The performers were Inanna – definitely check out their website if you’ve never heard of (or heard) them. We’ve seen them before, most notably in 2004 just after my Mom got out of rehab after her major car accident. I remember that show particularly because […]
Hardy Girls, Healthy Women
Last night I attended a gathering of about a dozen homeschooling Moms who are interested in learning more about empowering their pre-teen and teen daughters. It was held at the lovely home of a woman I’d “met” online. She runs an e-mail list for homeschoolers in my area (a great resource), and she’s also a […]
End of Soccer Season
Today Dryst has his final soccer game of the season. He’s been playing on the junior varsity team for the local high school. Dryst has been playing soccer since he was six. He loves it with a fierce passion, though he’s getting tired of playing in this school district, because his team rarely wins. I […]
Cuddly Cats for a Rainy Friday Evening…
What do I do when I can’t think of anything I want to write about? I post some cat pictures! That will keep everyone occupied for a few minutes, going “aww!” Then no one will recall that this post didn’t contain much actual written content. That’s my nefarious plan…mwahahahaha! Enjoy these beauteous felines! Sir Percival […]