Eye of the Storm

I’m sitting here at the laptop with my cup of decaf chai tea (with soymilk and honey, mmmm) and taking a few moments to write today’s blog. I’m really psyched that I’ve almost made it to the end of the month, and have posted every day! Especially given the fact that I’ve been so very busy. It’s been fun, though! And at least one person has said that she hopes I’ll continue to post every day (or at least close to that). We’ll see what happens.

After this we’re off to the final Dark Follies show. It’s been so much fun! We have some friends coming tonight to see it, plus a cast party afterwards. Apparently we might get some (more) snow tonight. That’s OK, the show must go on! I’m tired, but not exhausted. I think I’ve been pacing myself pretty well. I’m not one of those people with vast amounts of energy (activity-wise), but I have very good endurance and stamina.

Our vending at the Gorham Art Fair (for the Maine Wholeschoolers) went well today. Tomorrow morning I can sleep in (oh joy!!!) and then have time to prepare for the lovely ritual I’m helping lead. And next week will be a lot more reasonable as far as commitments and running around goes. I’m pretty pleased, overall, and hope you all have a lovely evening.

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