Baking Day

Well, it’s baking day today around the homestead. We got snow last night and now it’s sunny, but chilly, so it’ll be nice to have the oven going. I did a big kitchen cleanup this morning. I may have been letting things go just a bit, having been Freaking Busy (a friend gave me this official term) for the past, well, let’s just say many days. We also went to the grocery store to stock up on baking supplies.

BlackLion is now working on his latest round of sourdough bread. He’s very pleased with the starter that our chef friend gave him, and has been feeding it assiduously. He even gave some to another friend, so the yumminess is spreading! Anyway, he’s making four loaves today, two for the household and two to sell at the bake sale.

What bake sale, you may ask? Well, the Maine Wholeschoolers will be offering all kinds of baked goodies tomorrow at the Gorham Art Fair. We’ll also be providing sandwiches for lunch. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year. This afternoon, ElvenTiger will be making her prize-winning Oatmeal Chocolate- and Butterscotch-Chip cookies. They are literally prizewinners, at last year’s Cumberland County Fair. Plus they’re delicious.

I’m going to make some other kind of baked good as well. I haven’t decided yet – I stocked up on a bunch of baking supplies, so I could leave my options open until the last minute. I’m thinking either no-bake cookies or something that combines peanut butter and chocolate.

Oh, and we’re also going to make some neo-American chop suey for dinner, before we head off to the Dark Follies show. It’s basically the vegetarian version of that dish, with veggie burger crumble in place of the hamburger. The rest of the ingredients are standard, but yummy: macaroni, sweet peppers, onions, tomatoes, some spices. It’s BlackLion’s recipe, and we like it, especially when we’re on the go and can make it a bit ahead of time and let folks munch when they’re ready.

I think I’d better pick a recipe. It’s almost my turn for the kitchen!

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