Saturday at the Homestead

After a whole lot of rain in a fairly short amount of time, the moon came out last night. I saw its pretty light from my bed, and then woke this morning to a sunny and windy October day. Got some sheets out on the line to dry; that is, if they don’t blow away!

Dryst’s soccer game was canceled, so Quester took him to run a few errands. Dryst got a nice haircut, and reserved his Skyrim X-Box game. I’m taking he and some friends to the midnight game release in just a few weeks. He also set up some time tomorrow for some friends to come and visit. We haven’t seen them at homeschool group for a while, as their Mom is away visiting family and their Dad works full-time.

ElvenTiger had a soccer game today. She rested up for that, had chili for lunch, and watched some old episodes of The Addams Family on Netflix. She’s gearing up for Halloween, as she wants to be either Wednesday (the older version, from the movies) or Morticia.

With some input from both Quester and BlackLion, I finished the next round of editing for a magazine article and sent it off to my editor. BlackLion and I also created a “punch list” for what we need to finish for the Core Belief Kit. I’m so excited that we’re almost done, at long last! We had the idea several years ago, but for various reasons (including some inner blockages that we’ve both had to work through), it got delayed. But now we’re ready and very psyched to be able to put it out into the world! And at the same time we’ll be launching our new personal spirituality coaching service. So it’s a very creative, busy, and fulfilling time for Feline Dreamers. Yay!

Right now it’s time for A Prairie Home Companion, with awesome bluegrassy duo Gillian Welch and David Rawlings as the special guests. Spaghetti sauce is simmering merrily on the stove. We’re ready to relax, and perhaps play some games. Tomorrow, there’s more soccer in store for us, and some extra teen boys hanging around. Should be fun!

One Response

  1. Witchy Mom's Homeschool and Organic Gardens

    Sounds like a busy and wonderful time! Best of luck with your Feline Dreamer goodies! As you know, I love the idea of coaching, as it closely relates to co-counseling to my mind. I know you guys will be great!

    We are huge Prairie Home Companion fans around here.

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