Cuddly Cats for a Rainy Friday Evening…

What do I do when I can’t think of anything I want to write about? I post some cat pictures! That will keep everyone occupied for a few minutes, going “aww!” Then no one will recall that this post didn’t contain much actual written content. That’s my nefarious plan…mwahahahaha! Enjoy these beauteous felines!

Sir Percival Lovecat, aka Percy

The brothers enjoying a post-picnic nap

Cuddy brother cats!

“Dude, you make an excellent pillow!”

Merlin Lovecat, aka Merles, decked out with a mohawk

Our kitten cousin, Cali

Our dear beloved friend Huzzah, enjoying the sunshine (he passed away as an old man of 18-and-a-half in late 2008)

My Mystick – I still miss him (he died suddenly at the young age of 3, in 2009)

What? She’s a cat!

OK, Star’s not really a cat. But she’s adorable!

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