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Kid Interview

I borrowed this fun idea from Ordinary Life Magic, one of my favorite unschooling blogs. The idea is that your kids answer questions about you, and you get some insight into their view of you. I thought it was pretty fun, so I interviewed my two. Try it with your kids – it’s a lot […]

Mermaid Goes Wandering

I’ve found myself wandering, as Rob Brezsny tells me, in exile this past few weeks. Not a permanent exile, but definitely a place outside the comfort zone. When I’m feeling positive about it, I think of it as the wilds of the imagination. Wandering in exile tends to conjure a mental picture of an emaciated […]

My Favorite Movies

For as long as I can remember, when asked what my favorite movie is, my answer has been The Princess Bride. And then the Lord of the Rings movies came out, and as a fan of the books, I truly loved them and thought they did a fabulous job. Well, now the Harry Potter series […]

First Harvest

Happy Lammas everyone! No, not llamas, although they are pretty cool. Lammas is the Pagan celebration of the First Harvest. Abundant early crops like wheat and corn are featured in the celebration – so homemade bread and corn on the cob, along with tomato dishes featuring fresh herbs like basil and cilantro, are often included […]