So Busy, and It’s Not Even August Yet!

Summer is one of our busiest times, as a family. I’ve told folks for years that to try and schedule things in August is challenging, because there’s already so much going on – lots of birthdays, the Maine Highland Games, our family reunion, and the start of soccer season, just to name a few. It’s my busiest month. Well, we’re not even into August yet, and we’ve been super busy! Today is the first day in a while when I’ve had time to post, and to really catch up with my online reading and networking.

Some of our recent summer adventures have included: hosting a Red Temple gathering, volunteering with my Mom and ElvenTiger at a local museum, role-playing game sessions, a fun day at the waterpark with the kids’ Aunt Molly, seeing our friends in the play Narnia, celebrating a dear friend’s 40th birthday (which included an awesome massive water fight with a posse of kids on one of the hottest days), a lake party with unschoolers, fundraising on the air for my public radio station, lots of swimming, hanging out with friends, and family potlucks. Oh my!

I apologize for not having pictures to post. I still need to get a battery for my camera. We’ve been relying on others’ photos, and just living in the moment and enjoying what we’re doing.

I’m also looking for some paid work to supplement our income. This is both a disappointment and kind of a fun process. Fun because I’m networking and exploring in order to find something that fits my quirky self, my needs for a flexible schedule, and my unusual skill set. Disappointing because I still haven’t (yet) been able to create my right livelihood, a way to use my creativity to help support my family. However, it’s an interesting process of discovery, because I’m feeling like a lot of the information I’m searching through is leading me back to those same creative talents that feed my calling. I’ll let you know how it goes…when I have a moment!

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