So Busy, and It’s Not Even August Yet!
Summer is one of our busiest times, as a family. I’ve told folks for years that to try and schedule things in August is challenging, because there’s already so much going on – lots of birthdays, the Maine Highland Games, our family reunion, and the start of soccer season, just to name a few. It’s […]
Monday’s Doings
It’s been a pretty mellow day here today. It’s been nice hot sunny summer weather, and the fans are going. Laundry, kitchen cleaning, and grocery shopping, along with doing some work on our business, Feline Dreamers. Lots of hangout time and conversation. BlackLion, ElvenTiger, and I took a lovely bike ride just a while ago, […]
Getting Fit
I’ve written about wanting to lose weight before, and my intuitive knowledge that, for me, it’s more about the mindset than the practical aspects. I’ve been continuing my study and practice of mindfulness and presence recently, and that’s helped me feel ready to move forward in getting more fit. Part of my struggle, as I’ve […]