Proving the Rule

Well, they say the exception proves the rule. I guess if my blogging challenge was a rule, then the past week was the exception! I was so busy over the past couple of weeks that blogging wasn’t the only thing that fell by the wayside. My yoga practice suffered, as did my daily journal writing. And it’s just today that we’ve reclaimed the house from its somewhat, er, messy state.

Luckily, we now have a working camera, so we can share a couple of photos with you. The most exciting thing we’ve been involved with was the handfasting and wedding of a lovely couple who are dear friends of ours. I don’t want to share any photos of other folks without their permission, but here are a couple with only my family appearing in them.

I called Water in the handfasting ritual, and ElvenTiger was my helper. Note the matching outfits! We’re standing in the West, and you can see an example of the pretty dyed silk ribbons that decorated all the quarters of the circle. We helped dye the ribbons for Earth.

And here we are playing the drums for the procession. This photo shows us as we’re about to exit the circle. From left to right, that’s ElvenTiger, Quester, myself, and BlackLion.

We had such a marvelous time! It was a great joy to be able to share in the celebration of such a magickal and beloved couple. I’ll write more later, but just wanted to say hello and share a glimpse of what I’ve been up to. I hope you’re having fun, too!

2 Responses

  1. LaelShine
    LaelShine June 7, 2011 at 6:48 pm | | Reply

    Aww that looks lovely:)

  2. Witchy Mom's Homeschool and Organic Gardens

    I saw Eric’s pics and thought everything looked amazing and lovely!

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