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Stormy Weather

Where was I yesterday? Why didn’t I post a blog entry? What about the blog challenge? Here’s a clue. Today is feeling brighter. The blog challenge is still on. I wish you bright and sunny skies!

My Ego is Whiny

I recently finished reading “A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose” by Eckhart Tolle. It’s an excellent book, and comes highly recommended. The basic idea of the book is that we are not our egos. The ego is a collection of thoughts, feelings, preferences, and aversions that we’ve built up over our lifetimes. It […]

Getting Out of My Head

“Oh, man, you’re just way too cerebral!!!” my friend exclaimed as I offered the word “incline” as a clue during a board game (the word I wanted her to guess was “uphill”). The thing is, she’s right. Much of the time I can be up here in my mind, thoughts churning along, not noticing my […]

Busy Weekend

I haven’t done one of those “glimpse into the life of an unschool family” posts for a while, so I thought I’d share what we did on our busy weekend. Unfortunately I don’t have any photos to go with the post, since I still haven’t picked up a new battery for my camera. But hopefully […]

Home Sweet Home

My Dad has a saying, “When you can’t pee in your front yard anymore, it’s time to move.” He and Mom have lived in the woods on a dirt road for years. Well, this morning I came up with the female equivalent of his saying – because I (and the women I know) have no […]

A New Blog Challenge!

BlackLion and I have created a new blog challenge for ourselves! Why? Well, because we’re like that, I guess. The last time we did one was back in late 2009, and it was fun. So why not? Our goal is to each blog at least five times per week on our personal blogs (here’s a […]

Cake of the Month: April, Part 2

Yes, I know it’s May now. But the April cake got delayed by a week. The Giant Cupcake was a huge hit! Ocean Mouse loved it, as did all the other folks who tried it. The cake itself was a yellow cake, which I’m calling Starcat’s Yellow Cream Cake. I made four layers, two 8-inch […]