A Poem for Joy
I wrote a poem for my friend Joy, based on her writing prompt. It seems this is National Poetry Month. So I reached within and captured this glimpse of where I am at this moment…subject to change at will! Nikki,Transforming, becoming, allowing, in motion.Who loves creating, dancing, being.Who feels open, inspired, overwhelmed.Who gives comfort, smiles, […]
Happy Sunny Friday
It’s a lovely sunny day here in Maine. Not that warm, but breezy and sunny enough to get the clothes on the clothesline dry and smelling fresh. Today Dryst went to work with his Dad doing landscaping; they were both eager to spend the day outdoors. ElvenTiger, BlackLion and I, along with Star dog, went […]
Whole Is Good
I’m tackling another writing prompt, this one from a blog called Re-Minderz. The idea is to journal or write about this quote: “I’d rather be whole than good.” – Carl Jung My first reaction is that, while I understand the intention behind the quote, I would think that if we were whole, we would also […]
Networking in My PJs
Yesterday I spent some fun time networking, while sitting here in my comfy home, still in my pajamas. For a few years now I’ve belonged to some online groups that I really enjoy, my favorite being Danya Martin’s Radical Unschooling with Law of Attraction (RU-LOA) e-mail list. I’m also a part of Faerie Nation, as […]
Thinking About Mastery
Leaving aside for a moment the obvious (to me) concerns about the word itself (with its connotations of sexism and racism), I’m pondering the concept of mastery. The word arose as part of a bigger discussion about oversouls and channeling, and was framed in the context of creativity. According to Quester, mastery involves a lot […]
Powers of Positivity, Activate!
“Quite simply, a belief in the good without a belief in the evil, may seem highly unrealistic to you. This belief, however, is the best kind of insurance that you can have, both during physical life and afterward. “It may OUTRAGE YOUR INTELLECT, and the evidence of your physical senses may shout that it is […]