Our Imbolc

Blessings of Imbolc to you! It’s time for the initial stirrings of the Spring to come, although for us they’re hidden under a deep layer of snow. The picture is from two years ago, though we have that much if not more snow on the ground right now, with more to come (note to self – take some pictures tomorrow!).

So, aside from some snow removal, we’re spending our Imbolc in our cozy house. This is normally the day for our homeschool group gathering. It’s snowed the past several Wednesdays, and we’ve made our way there anyway, in the trusty Subaru. This time, though, we opted to stay in. We’ll celebrate Imbolc as a family. I’ve got a pot of white bean and rosemary soup on the stove, and I’ll be making some biscuits to go with it. We’re going to play a game we got for Yule that we haven’t tried yet, “Grateful Dead-opoly,” and light a bunch of candles. We won’t have a formal ceremony, but just relax and chat about our hopes and dreams and gratitude.

This holiday is also known as Brigid’s Day. I’ve been doing some writing today, and we also recorded our weekly PawedCats Podcast, with a segment about the faerie realm in winter. I had some really creative dreams last night, too, and I’m feeling the energy of the new moon being born. Dark of the moon is hard for me sometimes, but the confusion and frustration I was feeling yesterday has shifted to inspiration and a peaceful joy. I’m looking forward to Red Temple tomorrow evening – we’ll be learning more about the Muses.

Many blessings to you on this lovely wintry Imbolc day!

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