Cake of the Month: January, part 1

My original plan for January’s Cake of the Month was to make ElvenTiger a special cake for her 12th birthday. She requested a layer cake with chocolate and caramel, and I’ve started doing some research. For the most part, I plan to create my own cake recipes, so I can share them on the blog and perhaps write a cookbook at some point.

In the meantime, a friend had decided to organize a surprise baby shower for the lovely founder and hostess of our local Red Temple group. So, when we started planning the details, it seemed obvious that I would make her a special cake! Our founder, you see, has been a big fan and supporter of all my creative efforts, which I really appreciate. And she also expressed a strong interest in helping out with the cake project…by tasting the results, of course! Plus, she’s just an all-around wonderful person and caring friend. So here is the very first Cake of the Month, pumpkin chocolate-chip cake with vanilla frosting!

Unfortunately, I can’t share the recipe for this one. I co-wrote it, and I’m under a legal agreement with the co-authors of the cookbook it will appear in, so I can’t publish this recipe. However, stay tuned, because January will have two cakes! I’m going to create the recipe for ElvenTiger’s birthday cake, and I’ll share it with you later in the month. Bon appetit!

One Response

  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous January 7, 2011 at 9:52 pm | | Reply

    I was very honored to try some of your first Cake of the Month, and it was really, really awesome! You are such a sweetheart! Thanks, Kat

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