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Feels Like Summer

It feels like summer out there! Although it won’t be official until Monday the 21st, the Earth is green and flowers are blossoming everywhere. I love summer. The warm weather is so delightful. This is a great year for birds. I can hear their beautiful songs everywhere, and we’ve seen lots of cardinals and blue […]

Lights, Camera, Action!

On Friday night, the kids had some friends here for a sleepover. ElvenTiger and her friend A. wanted to sleep in a tent in the backyard and we decided to have a fire in our fire pit. We had the ingredients for s’mores and once it started getting dark, the adults started the fire and […]

Love Is Action

“I’ve heard people say that they cling to their painful thoughts because they’re afraid that without them, they wouldn’t be activists for peace. If I felt completely peaceful, they say, why would I bother taking action at all? My answer is, because that’s what love does. To think that we need sadness or outrage to […]

Quantum Metaphysics

Quester came up with a saying that he wants to have made into a bumper sticker: “Now that science has proven that magick works, I’d like an apology.” The particular science he refers to here is the non-linear behavior of photons in quantum mechanics. I’ve been studying the intersection between the discoveries of quantum physics […]

Proud Mama Moments

Last weekend we attended an annual Pagan event – a Beltane ritual and celebration, held on the beach at a state park. This was the 28th year! We haven’t been attending quite that long, but we’ve been going as a family for the past several years. There were probably about 150 people there this year. […]

Writing a Paper

As well as unschooling with my own two kids, I’m now teaching and tutoring other kids in our homeschool support group. As the kids reach middle- and high-school age, some of them have requested more formal learning, particularly the kids who are interested in attending college. The other parents and adults in the community are […]

Renaissance Woman

You may have heard the term “Renaissance Man,” applied to someone who dabbles in many different pursuits. While there is certainly something to be said for those who apply themselves to one skill and become a master at it, I am more of a “Renaissance Woman,” myself. Life is fascinating, with so many different things […]

On Spiritual Teachers

I am listening to an audio book that an online friend gave me, “A Thousand Names for Joy” by Byron Katie. It’s awesome! She intersperses quotes from the Tao Te Ching, but this quote is actually from Katie herself: “I don’t ever see myself as a spiritual teacher. Of course, you can use me by […]

What We’ve Been Up To

It’s been a busy and fun April so far! Here’s an update. On the last day of March, our homeschool group had its annual Midyear Review, which is comprised of presentations by the kids on something they’ve been working on this school year. Each kid chooses a topic or skill that they’re excited about and […]

Spring Inspirations

I’m glad and relieved about the coming of the spring and the month of April. It was a long, hard winter for me. Yes, the weather was relatively mild up here in Maine, but in my own personal weather system it was often quite stormy. The blue skies and fresh air are quite refreshing. In […]