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Mountain Time

Last month, I went with my sister-in-law and daughter on a backpacking trip to Baxter State Park. I was born in Maine and have lived here my whole life, but I’d never been to Baxter before. It was amazing! Mt. Katahdin is the tallest mountain in Maine and there are many Native American legends about […]

Food Labels

Last week Dryst and I went to a BBQ sponsored by his soccer league. We knew the menu involved hot dogs and hamburgers and had been asked to bring a bag of chips to contribute. When it was time to eat, I filled my plate with green salad, a bit of pasta salad, Sun chips, […]

Taking Health for Granted

Several years ago, my Mom was in a severe car accident. She was in the hospital, mostly in intensive care, for two months, followed by two more months in rehab, and some follow-up surgery a year later. As a result, she still has some trouble with her right hip and leg, and uses a cane. […]

I’m That Mom, Too

I came back from the backpacking trip (which was amazing, by the way – more soon) and, after resting and doing tons of laundry, started getting caught up on the blogs I read regularly. And I found that several of my unschooling favorites were taking part in a “blog carnival,” called “I’m That Mom.” It […]

Rites of Passage

My brother, who is in his 30’s, just got married. The whole family is very excited for him, both because we had hoped he would find true love and because his new wife is so sweet and wonderful! She also has a daughter who’s 19 and it was so touching they included her in the […]

Starcat’s Top 13 Spirituality Booklist

As most of you know, I’m an avid reader and self-described bookworm. I love books of many types. But once in a while, a book comes along that just totally sweeps me off my feet. I am reading one right now (see number 13 on the list below), and it sparked the idea for this […]

Full Moon Magick

Last night we participated in a global cleansing ritual, thanks to my friend Aurora over at Wiccan Life. She wrote and posted a ritual to help heal the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Since I don’t currently have the resources to donate money to help with the cleanup, or go there and volunteer myself, […]


I go back and forth with self-discipline. It’s a good thing to have, I think, and yet if I go too heavy on myself, there’s a part of me that rebels. I think what I’ve settled on is a flexible mental list of things I’d like to accomplish each day. The list includes yoga, other […]

Field Tripping

Later this week we’re headed to a local amusement park for a day of exploring physics. We’ll find out how the rides work, and also have a great time experiencing them. That’s right, a field trip which combines fun with learning. It happens all the time. Instead of packing a bunch of kids the same […]

“The Beast”

Here is a brief horror-comedy film the kids made recently with their friends. They want to make more movies, with better lighting and audio, in the near future. So stay tuned! The link is: Or you can also go to YouTube and search for “Maine Wholeschoolers” (that’s the name of our homeschool group). We […]