Tips for Creative Entrepreneurial Types

Over the past couple of days I’ve come across two great articles that appeal to my creative side.

The first one I found through a link on one of the blogs I read regularly, Blog of the Zombie Princess. She’s been talking about doing “Morning Pages,” and shared a link to an article written by Julia Cameron, which is part of her book “The Artist’s Way.” This month I’ve been doing a version of the morning pages that I learned from a writing teacher at Vermont Witch Camp a few years ago. I find it incredibly productive and inspiring. I’m not sure if it came from the same source, but either way it was great to read about the reasons behind it and the benefits of the practice. If this intrigues you, be sure to read the whole chapter, which is provided as a .pdf file.

The second interesting link came from my Mom, who recommended a story she saw on Good Morning America about bloggers making money by writing about their passions. That story led to a terrific article about using social media to promote your business or website. Like the Christine Kane stuff, it’s very “creative person friendly,” and focuses on content and connecting with people.

Enjoy! I hope you find them helpful.

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