The Art of Interior Design

In the past, I never really paid much attention to interior design. When I was younger, all my furniture came as hand-me-downs from family members. After I had kids, although we did paint and decorate a bit when we built this house, we had to deal with childproofing and messes and spills and tons of toys everywhere. My most cherished artwork consists of pieces that friends and family have made for me, which is wonderful but doesn’t make for a coordinated “look,” necessarily. Over the past few years, I’ve admired pretty homes in magazines, and realized that I’d love to live in a color-coordinated, stylish but not trendy (a style that suits me and my family), uncluttered home.

I’ve encountered folks who manage it, even with kids (plus, of course, the kids are getting older now). Amy puts up pictures of her lovely house, charmingly named Mermaid House, on her website. Another homeschooling Mom I know impressed several of my friends with her beautifully designed place (though I haven’t seen it yet, myself).

ElvenTiger recently decided she wanted to redecorate her room. Her grandparents had given her a gift certificate for paint on her last birthday, along with some Disney faerie appliques for the walls, and she had also received some traditional faerie “wallies” from a friend. In the process of helping her with the project, I decided that it might be time to redecorate the living area. So I’ve been looking at magazines, talking to friends, and trying to figure out what type of “look” would be best.

I think I’m gradually heading towards the art of interior design – although on my own terms. I’m still fond of thrift-store and used items, to lessen my impact on the environment. I don’t want to get obsessed with having an “image” for our house. And cleaning isn’t really my favorite thing to do with my time.

Also, when I recently spoke of my desire for a decorated home, everything in its place, Quester wrinkled his nose. “I never feel comfortable in places like that,” he said. Well, I guess I’ll have to be sure it’s homey, too…or that there’s a family room where clutter is welcome. Back to the drawing board…

One Response

  1. Amy Bradstreet
    Amy Bradstreet November 19, 2010 at 9:02 pm | | Reply

    I wrote about the “everything in its place” idea here-, in which I think I explain why that works for us. Have fun remaking your spaces and thanks for the linky love!

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