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Full Moon Magick

Last night we participated in a global cleansing ritual, thanks to my friend Aurora over at Wiccan Life. She wrote and posted a ritual to help heal the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Since I don’t currently have the resources to donate money to help with the cleanup, or go there and volunteer myself, […]


I go back and forth with self-discipline. It’s a good thing to have, I think, and yet if I go too heavy on myself, there’s a part of me that rebels. I think what I’ve settled on is a flexible mental list of things I’d like to accomplish each day. The list includes yoga, other […]

Field Tripping

Later this week we’re headed to a local amusement park for a day of exploring physics. We’ll find out how the rides work, and also have a great time experiencing them. That’s right, a field trip which combines fun with learning. It happens all the time. Instead of packing a bunch of kids the same […]

“The Beast”

Here is a brief horror-comedy film the kids made recently with their friends. They want to make more movies, with better lighting and audio, in the near future. So stay tuned! The link is: Or you can also go to YouTube and search for “Maine Wholeschoolers” (that’s the name of our homeschool group). We […]

Feels Like Summer

It feels like summer out there! Although it won’t be official until Monday the 21st, the Earth is green and flowers are blossoming everywhere. I love summer. The warm weather is so delightful. This is a great year for birds. I can hear their beautiful songs everywhere, and we’ve seen lots of cardinals and blue […]