Love Is Action
“I’ve heard people say that they cling to their painful thoughts because they’re afraid that without them, they wouldn’t be activists for peace. If I felt completely peaceful, they say, why would I bother taking action at all? My answer is, because that’s what love does. To think that we need sadness or outrage to […]
Quantum Metaphysics
Quester came up with a saying that he wants to have made into a bumper sticker: “Now that science has proven that magick works, I’d like an apology.” The particular science he refers to here is the non-linear behavior of photons in quantum mechanics. I’ve been studying the intersection between the discoveries of quantum physics […]
Proud Mama Moments
Last weekend we attended an annual Pagan event – a Beltane ritual and celebration, held on the beach at a state park. This was the 28th year! We haven’t been attending quite that long, but we’ve been going as a family for the past several years. There were probably about 150 people there this year. […]