Explore, Teach, Volunteer

There hasn’t been as much blogging this week, as I’ve been busy, well, doing stuff. So I thought, as promised in my post about this year’s goals, that I’d give you an update. In particular, lately I’ve been combining my goals regarding exploring spirituality and giving back.

I really enjoy volunteering in the Pagan community. The people are fun to work with, the projects are inspiring, and I always learn a lot. If you’re not familiar with Paganism, it is an earth-based spirituality that focuses on personal empowerment, environmentalism, and seeing the Divine in everything. I’ve been able to contribute my writing, organizing, and time to several different Pagan organizations over the years.

This coming week, I’ll begin student-teaching an Elements of Magic class. The two teachers I’m working with are wonderful people who teach in the Reclaiming tradition. We met to do our planning for the first couple of sessions, and I’m so much looking forward to the classes! As I drove away from the meeting, I found myself doubting whether my teaching abilities are up to the task. I gave myself a little pep talk, and hopefully my contributions as a teacher will be worthwhile.

Many members of the Maine Pagan community have been involved with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Portland’s interfaith home-building projects. I recently found out that Habitat is looking to involve youth in their volunteer projects, so perhaps our homeschool group will want to get involved this year. At the very least, I plan to walk (as a fundraiser) again this spring.

So far, so good. I’m sure other opportunities will present themselves as time goes by. Maybe even some where I can focus more on goal number 3, connecting with nature. I’ve taken some walks lately, but I must confess that I still don’t like the cold. This cat likes to curl up in a warm indoor place until the warmer weather reappears. Does looking at seed catalogues count?!

One Response

  1. Stef
    Stef February 15, 2010 at 8:55 pm | | Reply

    I have Habitat for Humanity of Greater Portland “google alerted” and this blog entry popped up! I am actually the Youth Program Coordinator for HFH so if there’s anything I can do with you and the homeschooling group, let me know! I have a couple ideas already that I could email you about. My email address is youth@habitatme.org . Thanks and have a great evening.

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