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What I’ve Been Up To

I’ve taken some quieter post-holiday time to be introspective. Here are some images of what I’ve been up to during that time. Setting up an Earth altar: Making collages to energize my writing projects: And encourage more self-love: And, of course, spending time working on projects at my desk, with my trusty helper Merlin: Hibernation […]

Finding Renewal

How do you renew and recharge your personal energy? Each of us does it differently. Think about what activities infuse you with joy and vibrance, or lift you up when you’re feeling depleted. It might be a long conversation with a friend, eating healthy foods, going for a run, playing guitar, or spending time at […]

Tarot Tracking

Each morning I do a three-card Tarot reading for the day. I write down the day’s cards and events, and keep track of how many of each card I draw over time, noting them in the back of my Tarot journal. At the end of the calendar year, I like to return to the cards […]

Goals for 2010

Here are the results of my recent introspection and contemplation – my personal goals for the coming year. I first made a list of the many things I want to do and study this year, then gradually organized them into categories. Each of the sections also has a list of more specific ideas and intentions, […]