My Daughter

I am blessed and lucky enough to have a daughter, and not only that, but a wonderful one! Today is her birthday, and she is 11. Happy birthday, ElvenTiger!

She was born in Portland, Maine, during a snowstorm. To this day she loves snow and winter. Her birth was easy and peaceful – natural labor and delivery at a very family-friendly hospital. I got to tell her birth story a couple of times today, because some of my friends asked about it.

ElvenTiger loves music. She sings and makes up songs constantly. She plays basketball and soccer, and despite being fairly petite, she’s turning into quite a good soccer goalie for her team. ElvenTiger likes to swim and knit, loves cats and faeries, and has her own unique style of clothing. She is funny and kind and beautiful and smart and confident. She has a group of four close girl friends and enjoys spending time with them, as well as with her grandmother and great-aunt. She is a calm and friendly person, and everyone enjoys her company. I’m grateful for having her in my life!

2 Responses

  1. Wendy
    Wendy January 15, 2010 at 10:06 pm | | Reply

    I feel like I was truly blessed with my daughters, too.

    Happy Birthday to ElvenTiger! She’s a very lovely young lady 😉

  2. BlackLion
    BlackLion January 17, 2010 at 2:22 am | | Reply

    I am thankful to have her in my life too! 🙂

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