A Broader Perspective
“Political awareness can become a tyranny of its own, not least because it locks us into the issues and perspectives of a particular time. But when we are looking at questions of the sacred, we move beyond time. To create the changes in consciousness needed to transform society at a deep level, we need insights […]
I’ve always liked the concept of bartering. Even in our money-based economy, people with skills, products or services to share can find their needs met by sharing them with others who may have just the thing they’re looking for. Lately, I’ve noticed more evidence of people seeking out barter in their lives, and it has […]
Newest Family Members
My brother, who is a dog person, is nevertheless great at finding cats for our family. Yesterday he brought us our newest family members, two kittens. Introducing: Merlin and Percy (Sir Percival)! Yesterday was Kitten Welcoming Day. Here they are in my Mom’s lap: Mystick is not completely happy about them, but he’s slowly getting […]
A Little Break
The schools have vacation this week. It does affect us, even as homeschoolers. Primarily because we don’t have any sports events this week. Recently we’ve had a lot of basketball practices, basketball games, and indoor soccer games. I’m glad we’re getting a little bit of a break this week, especially since they all seem to […]
Waiting for the Boredom
Since I took over with the kids’ homeschooling, I’ve been practicing “radical unschooling.” The basic idea is that all kids want to learn and explore their interests, and if you just let them go with the flow, they’ll find out all that they need. Part of it is relaxing enough to *really* let them do […]