Drumming at the Edge of Winter
Last night BlackLion and I drummed for a Pagan benefit performance honoring the Winter Solstice, called “The Longest Night.” The performances, which were excellent, consisted of dramatic readings of prose and poetry, storytelling, dancing and a sing-along. As Feline Drummers, we drummed before the official start of the show and during the intermission. I had […]
Making Cutout Cards
Every year, we make cutout cards for our family members for Christmas. Also known as collage cards, these are homemade cards, personalized for each recipient. I thought you might want to venture into this unique form of art, invented (as far as we know) by my Aunt Peg in the 1980s. Here’s how. First, gather […]
Subaru, Come Home!
In the fall of 2008, my green 1999 Subaru Outback was totaled in a car accident. Don’t laugh, but we swerved while trying to avoid hitting a chipmunk (yeah, I know, soft-hearted hippies!). Luckily, none of the passengers were hurt, including our dog Star. But the poor car was not fixable. We did have collision […]
Seasonal Favorites
It’s time for another “fours list.” I’m not sure why my blog lists seem to come out in fours. They just do. So, here are some of my holiday favorites: Movies:White Christmas. The traditional music, the eye-catching costumes, and the charming plot are what keeps me watching it over and over. And the young Bing […]
A Balanced Lifestyle
We’ve been really busy lately, for various reasons, and I’m feeling a bit of strain and a desire to slow down. There are also some creative projects that I’ve been neglecting simply because I’ve been out straight “doing stuff.” It seems that our family’s balance between busy and relaxed varies quite a bit. Sometimes we’ll […]
Maine Wholeschoolers’ Fundraiser a Huge Success
Thanks to the generosity of our wonderful community, the Spaghetti Supper was a huge success! We raised over $400., and the discussions at our celebration tonight have been about a trip to the Boston Museum of Science, helping our new Drama Club put on a play they write in a real theater, and investing in […]