A Thriving Community

We had a wonderful Winter Solstice celebration last night. It’s been an annual event for several years, complete with a ritual, a bonfire that stays burning all night as we keep vigil, drumming, and a big potluck feast. Everything was so beautiful. Quester built an archway into the circle (between two of the young oaks) out of faerie lights. The crescent moon peeked through the layers of clouds.

Our ritual this time centered around community. We are blessed to have an amazingly vibrant, creative and fun community. Our family made dream pillows for the kids in the community, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that there are 21 intelligent, cool and inspiring (mostly homeschooled) kids that we hang out with on a regular basis. And the adults are awesome, too!

Recently, at a monthly Pagan event, a few of us were chatting about the Pagan community here in Maine, and how lucky we are to have so many wonderful and inspiring people around us.

The success of our homeschool group’s recent fundraiser shows how strong that community is, too. Our friends and family members contributed to the event’s success in many ways. We have also been meeting new families, as more folks hear about what we do and decide to join the fun.

These communities overlap in a myriad of ways, and I’m so thankful and delighted to be a part of them. And I’m glad that my kids are actively involved, too. They’re building many friendships and learning all the time. My two kids invited seven of their friends to stay over, and everyone had a terrific time welcoming the return of the Sun. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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